Digital face issues

19 Oct 2005
Hi all

Ive got a Jean Tech Apollo case powered by an Antec True Blue 480watt PSU


the Apollo has a digital screen which should display temps, and fan speeds etc.

Now ive found the temp sensors, but when it comes to fan speeds, the Jeantech website just says to plug it into the fans directly. Surley tho, people would want to connect their fans into the board and not the case.

I want to display my fan speeds, without havin to plug my fan in to case screen.

I dont have a manual so could anyone help me out?
well i paid £7.50 for it down the market

seems the temperature probes work OK, cause im getting decent temps from them. It also seems to have an like a 'wake up the user' alarm which i cant turn off.

But cant do anything with the two system fans i plugged into it.
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