Hi all, you all seem like a knowledgeable bunch and I’m absolutely clueless. I have recently purchased a set of speakers (Logitech z-5500 5.1) and I want to connect them to my pc sound card (Audigy 4 non pro) (the optical in is used with my PS3) My sound card has something called “Digital I/O” port and the speakers have a digital in http://www.hardwareforums.com/attac...-5500-5-1-speaker-system-sound-touch-back.jpg but they don’t look the same.
The sound card digital out looks the same as the rest of the sound card connectors? I cannot for the life of me, find the correct cable and even if I do will it output 5.1 sound through just one cable?? Also, if you look at the picture there is another connecter called “6ch Direct”??? what’s that for? Like I said, if you could put the answers in blue crayon I may be able to understand. Your help/advice would be most appreciated.
The sound card digital out looks the same as the rest of the sound card connectors? I cannot for the life of me, find the correct cable and even if I do will it output 5.1 sound through just one cable?? Also, if you look at the picture there is another connecter called “6ch Direct”??? what’s that for? Like I said, if you could put the answers in blue crayon I may be able to understand. Your help/advice would be most appreciated.