Digital Trade proposal - what do you make of it?

There’s too little information in that article to say. And there’s no mention of GDPR, so why don’t you elaborate on how you think that will be affected?
one of the things mooted in the trump era UK-US trade bill that never happened was the US requirement for easing of digital data restriction etc. This article suggests "British businesses face digital barriers in countries who take a protectionist approach" . Given that the EU GDPR is regarded as one of the toughest in the world, which countries is she exactly referring to, and how does this inhibit British businesses so much that they need to be "broken down"?

"I want the UK to break down these barriers and open up new, exciting opportunities for businesses and consumers so we can see improved productivity, jobs and growth"

It only makes sense if the aim is to allow US based businesses to export UK data more easily. They were lobbying for this in their negotiations. How will it benefit consumers? Please don't say "targetted advertising to built-in streamlined services and experiences" cough MS I'm looking at you...
You know there could be other things, like IR35, don’t you? You may be correct, you may be wrong, but I definitely think you’re jumping to a conclusion.
not jumping to any conclusions, asking for opinions. However this shambles seem so incompetent I simply don't trust them with anything.
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