
11 Jul 2005
Bramley, S. Yorks
I am hoping to upgrade from my Canon A75 and have narrowed it down to
the Canon S3 IS or the Fujifilm S9500.Reviews on the Canon on the whole have been good but so so on the 9500. If i am honest i am drawn to the features on the 9500.
Would appreciate any advice.

Thanks in advance.
Oooh - good one. :D

What sort of things are you going to be doing with the camera?

On the personal side of this - I went from a Canon A80 and bought the S9500

The S3 didn't feel right when I held it. The S9500 did.
Although the fact it used Compact Flash was a plus as I already had a couple of gigs of it.

IMHO - the mp count of the S9500 makes up for the loss of IS and the other things that are different. Then it litrally just went down to how it felt in my hand.

Ok, the S3 is £100 cheaper, but at the wide end it needs the 0.75 converter to get to the S9500's 28mm

S3 doesn't support RAW - S9500 does *but is very slow at writing it to the card*

Movie mode on the S3 has a size limit - S9500 will go until the card is full

The S3 LCD is one of the very good rotaty twisty ones.

The S3 has a switch style zoom control - the S9500 has a ring that you twist to control the zoom - much faster to use.

There's some of my photo's scattered through this forum and most of them were taken on the S9500 at the moment.

Thanks for your helpful info.I will have a look at your images. I did read somewhere that compactflash is much slower than XD.
I use 100x rated compact flash - have no idea if XD is faster or not.

Only got the cack 16mb one they supply with the card *doesn't even hold a single RAW image...*

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