DiMarzio Breed Pickups

12 Jan 2004
I was a bit fed up of the Bill Lawrence pups on my custom Washburn N4, as I felt they were a little underpowered on the high frets - but they did have very nice tone. I decided to replace them with a pair of Breeds after hearing great things about them. Anyone have any experiences with them they'd like to share?
not the breeds but I have evolutions and they are fantastic!! I'm sure you will love the breeds as they can't be a far cry away from the evos...

good choice :)
I've used both the Breeds (RGA) and Evos (Jem), I much prefer the Breeds. I don't know why everyone says the Evos are so bright and aggressive, I find them pretty weak to be honest.

The Breeds are very nice and creamy, in my opinon they can sound rather muddy for chord voicings, the breed in my RGA (which is in the neck position) sounds really good in parallel for clean, so I'd recommend trying that out.
Just found this thread and thought I'd give my two pence. I agree with Andelusion. The Evos are wholely weak. One of my friends was borrowing a Maverick that had been customised with an Edge Pro, Evos etc. The bloke had spent over a grand customising it, and soundwise, compared to my friend's RG Presitge (I think) they just couldn't compare.
naffa said:
Just found this thread and thought I'd give my two pence. I agree with Andelusion. The Evos are wholely weak. One of my friends was borrowing a Maverick that had been customised with an Edge Pro, Evos etc. The bloke had spent over a grand customising it, and soundwise, compared to my friend's RG Presitge (I think) they just couldn't compare.

Over a grand? lmao, why? Unless he really, REALLY liked the guitar then that's just ridiculous. You could easily buy a second hand Jem7v for £1k these days, if that's the type of spec he was after (edge pro, evos etc).
Just thought I'd say, I got the Breeds on my custom N4 and they sound totally awesome! Very heavy but with lots of tone, great for the style of music I'm playing. Very happy camper! :)
Andelusion said:
Over a grand? lmao, why? Unless he really, REALLY liked the guitar then that's just ridiculous. You could easily buy a second hand Jem7v for £1k these days, if that's the type of spec he was after (edge pro, evos etc).
I don't know. The bloke is an arse, he's 18 and has a 50th Anniversary Strat, that Maverick which cost him loads and he's spent loads on, a 7-string RG Prestige and some uber expensive Peavy stack. He swapped the Maverick (temporally) with my friends late 70's Charvel and he asked for the Maverick back first. :D

Wholely disappointed with those guitars for the money. Drew's Charvel was under half the price and they don't even compare in my opinion. He said the guitar had a lot of centimental value... Must be all that's in it tbh.
If you are comparing Evo's to the stock pickups on an RG-prestige then you SERIOUSLY need your ears testing!!

I have an Ibanez RG Prestige and upgraded the pickups to Evos... the stock pickups on sub-700 quid Ibanez guitars are simply terrible. Just terrible.

The RG's come with V7 and V8 humbuckers and sometimes the S1 single coil. Now I can't say one good thing about the V-humbuckers. Ibanez guitars are EXCELLENt, and all other features are outstanding, however you MUST do a pickup change immediately :)

higher-end Ibanez's don't have this problem as they have DiMarzio's etc pre-installed.

But the evo's are such an improvement over V7/V8 that it's not even funny! I find them to be very very hot, not at all weak... but compared to say Bare Knuckles or EMG's they are weak in the bottom end meat area but that's because they are a lead-orientated pickup primarily :)
How bad are the quantum pickups that come with some guitars? I have those at the moment, always thought about putting DiMarzios on but lost contact with my friend who was going to change them for me. How difficult is it to do and would it be worth the money?
What kinda music do you play anyways. I have an air norton in the neck and a steve's special in the bridge and couldn't be happier. (miss a single coilish sound tho)
Docaroo said:
Well I found the Evos to be wholely unpowerful and uninspiring. It may have been that the Evos were hyped up too much etc, but I did think his RG sounded a lot better. Not sure if he's got stock pickups in, but I'm pretty sure he does.
Andelusion said:
Over a grand? lmao, why? Unless he really, REALLY liked the guitar then that's just ridiculous. You could easily buy a second hand Jem7v for £1k these days, if that's the type of spec he was after (edge pro, evos etc).

It usually happens incrementally... My MIJ Hot Rod Reissue Strat has had about £500 spent on it, that'd easily have bought a new MIA equivalent but then I didn't set out to spend £500, I set out to replace just the single coils, then I upgraded the bridge pickup, then I got another strat and turned this one into a double fat, needing a new pickuguard, then I redid all the electronics, then the machine heads, then I replaced the old, worn floyd rose with a newer one... Often one thing just let to another, unplanned.

Incidentally, if we're talking pickups then Duncan Distortion/59 ***, IMO. Every guitar I've owned with a neck humbucker has ended up with a 59 in there, even the 7-string BC Rich. Great pickup- versatile without being bland... The HRR has a customshop 59 in the neck with a slight overwind and seperate coil leads for splitting, and I do love it.
PikeyPriest said:
How bad are the quantum pickups that come with some guitars? I have those at the moment, always thought about putting DiMarzios on but lost contact with my friend who was going to change them for me. How difficult is it to do and would it be worth the money?

If you can use a soldering iron then it's VERY easy.... if you can't then you can learn to use one and it's still easy hehe :)

The trickiest thing is getting your head round wiring the switch but there's heap of help on the net for that :)
naffa said:
Well I found the Evos to be wholely unpowerful and uninspiring. It may have been that the Evos were hyped up too much etc, but I did think his RG sounded a lot better. Not sure if he's got stock pickups in, but I'm pretty sure he does.

2 things come to mind, either (a) there's no way the RG had the stock V7/V8 on unless it is a special edition with DiMarzio designed pickups....

(b) The Evo's were not properly soldered/installed!

This is quite a strange thing indeed, all being equal the EVos' would totally whallop the stock RG pickups - just FYI lot's of guitars are using Evolutions, including Herman Li from Dragonforce...
I'll ask him what he's got. Thinking about it, I remember seeing DiMarzio on there tbh. Not sure though. He had two humbuckers and a single coil in the centre.
naffa said:
I'll ask him what he's got. Thinking about it, I remember seeing DiMarzio on there tbh. Not sure though. He had two humbuckers and a single coil in the centre.

haha yep if you saw writing be in DiMarzio or other then it's not the stock V7/V8 pickups and your story is confirmed hehe :)

He may have had a higher model of RG with "DiMarzio Designed" pickups which are good, the V7 and V8 just say "v7" and "v8" on them :)

Still doesn't explain why the Evo's sounded so cack, what guitar where they on again?
I *think* it was a Maverick F1. Not sure though. The sound of them may not have been awful, it may have been more to do with the fact I was expecting them to be amazing and I was just really unimpressed.

Will try and find out about the Ibanez.
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