
18 Oct 2002
Hi everyone, a bit of a sanity check please:

If someone gave you the dimensions 300mm x 150mm (and didn't specify portrait or landscape) which would be width and which would be height?
Thanks Mynight, that's exactly what I assumed, I'm not going mad!

You're quite right, I got caught out with three adverts — all ready to go to print and then the paper tells us that they're the wrong way around…

I asked my colleague who said it's height first, so I started doubting myself.

10 years in print design; you would have thought things like this wouldn't happen.
Thanks again guys.

It's certainly not the biggest problem in the world and, as you say Mynight, we caught it before it became an issue. It just had me questioning myself. The graph coordinates also makes sense.

Good point about 1920x1080px Russinating - I did worry for a second that it might be different for print and digitial and I never got the memo. :p
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