Dimmu Borgir?

15 Nov 2006
Any other fans here?

Just wondering what you all make of the new song from their new album;

http://youtube.com/watch?v=LVfWuHSADpQ (Very Very Star War-zy)

For anyone who ain't heard/listened to them before, some other videos here;

http://youtube.com/watch?v=j8bUs0eqHYY - Progenies of The Great Apocalypse
http://youtube.com/watch?v=nlYUYocMjUA - Sorgens Kammer Del II

This is just the best cover ever imo.

Cover of Twisted Sister's Burn In Hell : http://youtube.com/watch?v=TWo5lechUgY (Ignore the video, song really kicks off around 1 min in)
I thought I would have liked their stuff but that lead vocalist is just comical tbh.

I know it's just me getting confused, but these aren't the same people who did the music for the lord of the rings trailers are they? Only thing is that was ll accoustic with no vocals.
They're OK, not a huge fan. Puritanical Misanthropic Euphoria is my preference though I can take them or leave them. I find it amusing how Nuclear Blast's idea of watermarking promos has so far failed to stop any of the label's albums from leaking.
Dimmu are hilarious.

Although I got in a blazing row with the mrs t'other day about whether a track on a CKY DVD was Dimmu or Arcturis.

penski said:
Although I got in a blazing row with the mrs t'other day about whether a track on a CKY DVD was Dimmu or Arcturis.
I've not listened to much Dimmu, but the first linked song above is very Arcturus; like something from "The Sham Mirrors".

It would be hypocritical for me to comment on their ridiculousness, seeing as I'm such a huge Finntroll fan :D

[EDIT: And Mephisto is right, no doubt about it!]
On my run today I listened to Mita, Bloodjin and Raintime.
They all sounded the same to me but I bet they're all in different rock genres.

Anyway, my tip, just go out and buy the new Trouble album called Simple Mind Condition.
Old style rock at its very best.
alexthecheese said:
I must say I love 'Burn in Hell'.

#Hear no evil, dont you see no evil, dont you lay no evil down on meeeeeeEEEEE!!
# *insert solo*

Love it. :cool:
Yeah I didn't know it was a cover at first, think it's my favourite song by them.

I was put off by the start of it, but at 1:10 or so it just kicks bottom :cool:
Jihad said:
Yeah I didn't know it was a cover at first, think it's my favourite song by them.

I was put off by the start of it, but at 1:10 or so it just kicks bottom :cool:

#Alll burn in heeeeellll!

Man, I could almost listen to that song verbatim in my head. So good! :D
alexthecheese said:
#Alll burn in heeeeellll!

Man, I could almost listen to that song verbatim in my head. So good! :D
Best thing about the song is it's totally different to 90% of their stuff really, hope they make a few more like it tbh.
penski said:
Dimmu are hilarious.

Although I got in a blazing row with the mrs t'other day about whether a track on a CKY DVD was Dimmu or Arcturis.


that cky track is the only song i've heard

they're trully shocking imo

/gets ready to slay some goths :p
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