DirectX11 Help - project only compiles in release, not debug (Rastertek tutorial)

28 Oct 2017
Hi guys, I'm following the rastertek tutorial on building a D3D engine.

I just got to tutorial 6 -

where it's still deprecated and using older D3D types like D3DXVector3 instead of XMFLOAT3 for example. Anyway, I replaced all the deprecated types, and got it to compile and run fine in release mode. But It won't compile in debug mode and throws over 1000 errors about some weird files in the Win 10 sdk folder having issues, like OAIdl.h and stuff.

1>c:\program files (x86)\windows kits\10\include\10.0.16299.0\um\oaidl.h(5641): error C2061: syntax error: identifier '__RPC__inout_xcount'

Before it wouldnt compile because D3DCompileFromFile wasnt recognized, but I fixed that by adding d3dcompiler.h in the linker in project settings.

I even deleted the #include <windows.h> thinking it was a circular dependency but it actually still compiles without teh windows.h - in release mode only, once again!

I'm completely out of ideas here, could somebody please look at the repo (link below) - the D3DCompileFromFile error which I fixed was happening in LightShaderClass.cpp - I've been in hell for 2 days straight now trying to figure this out! Any help would be a godsend, thanks.
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