Dirt bike

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Guys... All this rain has made me depressed. Every time I step into the garage my 1098S is sleeping under her cover all sad :(

I need a bike I can simply rag regardless of the weather. So, I want a dirt bike (scrambler).

What can I get for 600-800 quid? Gear not included in that price, and 250cc or above would be nice :)
A 1998-2002 cr/kx/yz/rm 250 2 stroke

Great fun, i used to have a 2006 kx125 then got a 2009 kx250f :D

Just dont get the time to use them so i flogged them, wanting a 600 superbike on a ristricted licemce for a couple of years
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