Dirt rally CAR settings.

19 Nov 2015
Glasgow Area
Should say VR settings oculus rift. phone auto corrected it.

So I have setup my dirt rally graphics according to some online post I saw. At recommended 1.5 super sampling.

To be fair the settings are good in as much it keeps it at 90fps for the most part.

However. Because of the 1.5 super sampling. Quite a few of the graphics options are set to low or off.

My question is, would I be better visually, turning off super sampling and getting some of the graphics options cranked up? Seems to me like people get a bit obsessed with super sampling and chase it all day long. But in all honesty going from 1.0 to 1.5 and I can't say I even saw a difference. Certainly not much.

What do you think? Turn off SS and crank some settings? Or are folk right chasing SS and lowering graphics options?
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Actually NVM. Instead of chasing 90FPS. I've just cranked everything to Ultra, 1.5x SS, 2x MSAA and the ASW keeps it smooth as silk (to my eyes anyway) at 45FPS. So I'll just go with that. looks 100x better ad still feels smooth to me.
I've got 2.0ss and every thing on ultra and it runs great with a GTX 1080.#

Turn off mmsa as I found it make things look worse.
Steam overlay reports a pretty consistent 90 though it does drop but I've never noticed it affecting game play.
With the hardware in my sig running an oculus rift, I can maintain 90fps on ultra with ground cover off. With ground cover on low, even with everything else on ultra low, I get random stuttering/frame drops. I've tried a lot of things to fix this via google search but nothing helps. Is this a common issue or does anyone have any suggested fixes ?
I can't tolerate ASW locked at 45fps due to visual distortion when driving at speed, the lag on the wheel and I get nausea. None of those are an issue at 90fps, ASW disabled. I just wondered if this is a common issue given Ultra stays locked at 90fps with ground cover disabled but even at ultra low with ground cover enabled, my system maintains 90fps for the majority of the time but stutters at various points on differing tracks, especially on corners.
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