Dirt Rally Graphics VR settings

6 May 2009
What settings are everyone using to maintain 90fps+?

Its a very fast paced game and I am quite sensitive to fps drops which cause ATW to kick in. Using Oculus Debug tool to show performance I can see quite a few dips to 75+fps when cornering using Ultra settings and 2xAA.

I find that medium doesnt look much different and plays a lot better (still 2xAA)

edit - I have also noticed starting the championships where you are on the small circuit with the joker lap the FPS is terrible, even in medium detail. GPU is hardly doing anything at 1190mhz and 50% usage, CPU usage is barely above 30% too. Any idea whats going on?

i7 [email protected]
16gb Ram
EVGA 980Ti classified @ 1470/2000
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I have set those settings and on Lydden hill my 980Ti is sitting at 1190mhz (instead of 1470mhz) and only at 50% usage. CPU is at ~25% with framerate dropping to 70 sometimes.

I expect that I can crank up AA / settings / pixel override and GPU will be more taxed but still drop frames.

Basically the game seems a bit broken (im using latest nvidia drivers)
I am currently using debug tool set to 2.0. All AA in game switched off, shadows at medium and occlusion at medium.

Shadows at medium kills a lot of graphics quality in this game. They get very blocky and they really only look good at Ultra. Even at high some shadows are simply missing!

I backed down on supersampling just a bit to make it run at 90 FPS with shadows at Ultra.

Running on the Vive with Supersampling Rendertarget at 1.5. Runs super smooth. What a great VR racing game.
If you guys start a career does Lydden hill track play at 90fps+ too? Im trying to work out if the game is buggy or something on my system is missing driver / update wise?
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