Dirt rally or project cars?

Not tried Dirt Rally but project cars is IMO superb, lost a few hours the other night in a Sierra Cosworth and then another few in an e30 M3, epic fun, highly recommended.

If you ever played GPL back in the day, you'll love some of the vintage stuff in this! :)
Like, as you said, they are very different games. Ignoring their obvious different focuses, Project Cars has a lot more content. But of course Dirt Rally is still in Early Access and will get more as time goes on.

I mean, it couldn't be easier to decide - would you rather do rallies or circuit racing?

If you've already got a few road racing sims at hand, then maybe try Dirt Rally for a change of pace, I guess?
out of the current crop the best most realistic ones and fun to play are in order

Dirt rally
assetto corsa
project cars
out of the current crop the best most realistic ones and fun to play are in order

Dirt rally
assetto corsa
project cars
Dirt Rally definitely leans more towards the sim category, but it probably isn't quite on the level of dedication to realism as something like Assetto Corsa, rFactor2 or iRacing.
Depends what you want, do you want Rallying or Road racing? do you want more of a Sim experience or an arcade racer experience?

If you answered Rallying or Sim then Dirt Rally

If you answered Road Racing or Arcade racer then Project CARS.
I love Dirt rally, PCars is good but I prefer Forza 6 for my track racing right now, there is lots of track racing games, there is nothing like Dirt rally that isnt as old as the hills.
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