Dirt rally - steam - choppy graphics

10 Apr 2014
bought the game earlier on, installed it and started playing. my gpu is an xfx r9 390x , its a capable card but im still getting choppy graphics.

at 1st I thought it was because I was running the game too high but by default the graphics preset was low , I changed it to ultra and it was the same.

I couldn't go 100 yards without the screen stopping for a brief moment like the game was lagging, then I could move along like normal.

I cant play the game with these conditions so I messed around with the settings, turned vsync on/off to see if it would help but it didn't.

then I tried lowering the settings to see if it would improve on anything, it didn't. then I tried lowering the refresh rate and it worked a little but I was still having the same issue.

has anyone with the game had a similar experience and know how to fix it?
I made a rooky mistake (slaps forehead) , checked my drivers and I hadn't updated them since I got my new card.

got the 15.9.1 beta , ran the benchmark on ultra with 4xmsaa 1920x1080p

got an average of 95 , min of 67 and max of 118

I think I felt my IQ drop a little as I typed this reply ...
There's a setting called blending or advanced blending, make sure you've got that switched off and then try again.

checked for the option and it was off, started the game and it was windowed and set to high and res was 1600x1200 I think. bumped it up to 1080p and filtering was off too, started on 2x msaa it was fine in a shakedown.

next I tried the same with 4x msaa , all good then 8x msaa , still good. went for the golden goose and tried vsync on ultra aswell, she layed an egg. this was all using my keyboard for testing reasons.

then I set up my g25 and it started chopping a little, then I updated the Logitech profiler to the latest version. that was good for a couple of minutes, then it went downhill from there.

so I think the main problem is my g25, the reason I bought the game and its the thing that's messing it up ...
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