Disable a file ...tricky?

1 Dec 2003

On the site i am building it has certain features that work awesome in Firefox but when in IE....forget it!!

Anyway, is there a way to disable a certain file if the user is on the site using IE?

So i need footer_chat.php disabled if you use IE, is this possible?

thanks :)
Two ways: use PHP to detect the user's browser ($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) and then include footer_chat.php depending on that, or put the content of footer_chat.php inside a DIV with the display:none; attribute in an IE-specific css.

PHP would be better but slightly more tricky. Both are pretty easy though.

Speedy responce, could you guide me on this?

PHP way seems the better option as the file itself is quite large in code terms.

Much appreciated.
Might be a good idea to look into fixing it in IE, considering lots of people use it. Is it just formatting/CSS issues?

Yeah, i cant actually fix it though ive tried a few weeks and also had a few people looking at it.

The sites still got a few bugs an a few easy things that need changing but this is the biggest problemo!
I would do like Russinating said and use the HTTP_USER_AGENT in the sever variables to detect a users browser.

True, you should atempt to fix the source of the problem. If you cant, then that is your next best bet.
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