Disable Dynamic DNS Registry Updates?

30 Sep 2005
I have just built a new server and really struggled getting it registered in DNS.

My troubleshooting has uncovered a GPO which disables all servers 'Dynamic DNS Updates'

why would someone have put that in place? as a temp measure I disabled the gpo for my new server, which has done the trick.

I'm reluctant to delete the gpo as it must have been put there for a reason

Obviously whoever put the gpo in has long gone......and zero documentation

really? i was under the impression that you could only enable or disable dynamic updates on a per zone basis not on the client ID type
If the settings are applied via GP, you can be very specific via targetting what machines are affected. Chances are that it could just simply be applied to a specific OU as well

What server version are you using? You should be able to use GPM to list every single setting that has been configured from a specific policy
I would assume it's been done to control traffic flow on a server with multiple nics, where firewalls are involved or services are only listening on particular interfaces.
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