Disappointing year of movies and TV

29 Dec 2012
Disappointing year of movies and TV

I know its been a hard year for everyone for a few reasons but IMO its been even harder due to not getting much to entertain us when we need it the most.

I would have expected some companies to fill the gap and make VOD when they know so many people are at home and are avoiding crowded places.

Nothing new coming out or getting advertised, most big movies getting postponed again and again.
I cant even remember the last time I was looking forward to anything, normally you would expect a huge number,

IMO when things are back to normal I will only support the companies that supported us,
I will not be supporting the movies that postponed (again and again)

it may just be me
hollywoods still stuck in the 1940s cinema mindset.

watch some old stuff you probably didn't already.

takes hours of googling for me to find some good obscure thing I haven't already watched though
I have the same problem, I never know what to watch or ive already watched them a number of times.
I try to check everything out but I may not be interested in the synopsis or trailer, thats why some movies get pushed back.

That is why im always looking forward to something new.
I think most of you are misunderstanding.

Yes we have loads of old stuff but if your like me you have watched a lot of it.

My point is not many new movies or TV shows have been pushed out this year.
Normally you get loads of movies and shows every month when no one care but now we are in need of something to pass the time, they did not offer anything, most things have been shelved.

Ok I can understand due to corvid your not going to risk making stuff but a lot has already been made and shelved

other then disney and netflix I cant think of any company that pushed anything new.
Can anyone name anything worth watching on iPlayer?
Try year and year if you've not seen it.

I think he wants Amazon, Netflix and Disney to release all of the films already made because cinema is dead.

In a way this is happening with Disney releasing a few things recently and Amazon releasing Borat and Coming to America sequals soon.

I think current TV is on a good position but there will soon be a gap in the schedules for stuff that should be shooting now.
I think Amazon, Netflix and Disney are on the right page, they are releasing something every few months, it could be sooner but still good.

My issue is with big cinema not offering anything. how many time can you postpone something.

I mean whats the last time you was looking forward to watching something ?
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This is my option you dont need to agree with it.
I think this maybe me and/or my age group so most on here may not understand my point.

Im saying huge companies expect us to go spend money on the products they have made but when you need it the most they dont provide anything and delay and push back bigger projects which they have been advertising

they could push smaller projects just to say thank you and show they understand people are stuck at home with limited options.

whats the last new release movie you watched outside netflix.
TV shows have not been a big issue but whats the last new tv show you watched outside netflix or amazon

Today actually. Just finished watching The Haunting of Bly Manor, one of those new series that you think don't exist or something.

What do you expect cinema to do? We're in a pandemic, their options are limited. Some have the facility to release on digital service like Mulan did but a lot don't have that option.
I dont know why some people only read what they like and ignore the rest.

I have said this before netflix has been great and has been providing new content each month, I think without netflix Im not sure what I would do and would not have much to watch.

how are options limited ? we have so many VOD option at the moment or sale options like apple and goodgle,
ok I can understand they may not want to release huge blockbusters outside the cinema but but they make so much each year why not release something just to show you understand that people are stuck at the moment with limited options.

like someone has already said cinema is stuck in the past.
As these two have put it, there's not a lack of stuff to watch, and I'd be amazed if you've watched practically everything on Netflix/Prime/Disney/Sky et al.
OK, can you name a few not made by Netflix/Prime/Disney

That's exactly what the big movie studios are doing... Except people just read the headline that Bond is postponed and go off on one...
Please name something.
Shockingly the ones with digital services are continuing in the pandemic, the ones without those means are struggling because their means of release are gone. Were you expecting them to somehow develop and launch a digital service in this time period?
Not sure what that has to do with my question.

Because you have not understood ill ask again, Name something NOT MADE by Netflix/Prime/Disney I did not say anything about them streaming it.

Also they have a few more options like google, Apple ect
And those service have continued to release things right? Simple fact is netflix etc are not going to pay to release the latest Bond film or something, they couldn't afford the amount that would be needed to recoup production costs.

We all understand you, we just thing your rant is nonsensical.
So Bond is the only movie made this year ?

I rant because I was a bit annoyed with the big studios. Just being stuck for months is getting to me and the only way im managing is TV.
Simple reason, not providing content when its needed.

I don't think you can ever be satisfied if you're one of those people who needs to watch a new TV show or film pretty much every single night of the week. At the moment that effect is exacerbated due to less content being produced/released and socialising restrictions which have meant more people choosing to stay in on an evening.

I've forced myself to watch some absolute dross over the last 6 months
I've been doing the same.
Im not one that needs to watch something new everyday or week but I would have expected some big studios to offer some content knowing the issues.

I don't think you can obviously tell if something is Netflix/Prime made without playing the film.

But is there any reason you won't watch anything made by Netflix/Prime? I've seen some very good things made by Netflix/Prime studios.
I have no reason, I watch both Netflix/Prime, they are really the only ones offering anything.
So to summarise:

You complained that it was a disappointing year for movies and tv, complaining that nothing new was being made or released. You were then told that there were plenty of things that were being made or released on the very popular VOD services, which apparently you were aware of but had temporarily forgotten about or something.

Now you've changed your arguments to just be films and apparently only those that aren't already being released on those services.

Basically you seem to be whining that the big studios haven't come and given you a private screening of some films or something.
I will say it in a way you will understand. because it seam your just hear to start a augment over nothing.

I had not forgetten.

it has been a disappointing year for both movies and TV full stop, not much has been released other then what netflix, Disney, and amazon has produced and released themselves.

if you disagree please name some title of what has been released in the past 6 months that was not made for VOD, a simple way to disprove what im saying,
before you start every year show and movies are made by other studios so you cant keep pointing to amazon and netflix and its not just lockdown stopping them.

its not about studios giving me a private screening.

My point is studios will want us to spend money on movies once this is over but they could not care to offer anything during the time people are stuck at home.
The Witches on the this Thursday
Maybe so but its not been released yet.

I hope its half as good as the original but cant see it from the trailer.

from the look of your list things maybe changing, before the end of the year we may finally have some new release, which is good.
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