Disco Elysium a new RPG

26 Aug 2010
Well this launches today & I only found out about it yesterday. I've been patiently waiting for The Outer Worlds whilst failing miserably to get into playing anything much. But this has grabbed my attention & quite likely my money:) See what you think:

I watched Cohhcarnage streaming this last week, liked the artstyle, found it hilarious that some of the characters spoke with scouse accents but I didnt like how the "combat" was dialog based.
This looks really good, though I read something about 60 hours of content, which seems a bit long.

@Tombstone What's that about the combat?

Well the "combat", such as it is, is done via conversation and responses rather than actual combat. Its an interesting system but I would have preferred some actual turn based combat or something more traditional
Ah, that's a shame - I don't think dialogue-based "combat" is going to be too fulfilling for that long a game. I shall see what reviews make of it all, I guess.
I like a good long RPG, my first playthrough of Persona 5 was over the 100 hour mark and I could happily have played it for longer.

Granted, due to my schedule it took me best part of a year to actually complete. lol

This looks interesting, not sure about the combat but I'm willing to give it a go.
Only saw this today myself so will watch some game play as it does sound interesting and a different fight mechanic would be refreshing. I didn't think I'd like a card based game but Gwent in W3 was a lot of fun.
Oh god, save oftern :o!

I just *died*. My Cop just had a full on mental brakedown when he coundlt figure out how many pairs of boots had made prints in the mud, last saved 35minutes ago!!
I've been jaded with gaming for a long, long time. This has had me playing for 5-6 hours a session the last few nights wheras I usually don't even manage an hour total with any new game I pick up, even ones I've eagerly waited for they end up as just "meh, just another rehash".

Disco is absolutely compelling and time just flies playing it. I'm loving it, it feels like it's 20 years ago and I'm playing something fresh and new. Brilliant.

NB. Helps if you enjoy reading - there's a lot of text... :) also it can be batsheet mental and really funny.
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