Discounted iTunes codes - legit?

8 Nov 2006
Ireland/Northern Ireland Border
I spotted in Tesco today that they had 30pounds iTunes vouchers for 25pounds

I googled to see what the terms were and spotted this :

That dude is selling iTunes vouchers at 25% off. Is that going to be legit - is it OK for me to order from him? If the vouchers arrive and I spend them - is there any chance of Apple chasing me further down the line if he was up to no good?
I used to work in asda and every now and then apple would tell us to do promotions on such cards usually the case near christmas.

If you buy it through eBay, you're protected if there cards don't turn out to be legit. So you can claim your money back.

Also apple wont chase you.
As it is buy it now I think the seller has to give you the same service as if you purchased from an online store. Ebay should protect you should the card not work.
Buy one, find out what his conditions are that "you need to email for confirmation" and if it's dodgy once you have inputted the code report the auction. Ebay will cancel the auction and let you get your money back.

Win Win ;)

I bought acronis off an auction recently with a emailed only code and Ebay pulled the auction and gave me the chance to have my money back. I didn't bother but it was tempting :D
No doubt the codes will work. The question was of their legitimacy in how they are acquired. We can only speculate but theres a big clue in the price and that their email only.
I've used these tons in the past. I don't think they are non legit codes as apple would have shut them down fast if that was the case. There are lots of different sellers and they seem to sell a ton of them.
Elaborate on 'fine'? Fine as in they work. Or fine as in they're sourced completely legitimately?
Only the sellers could answer that second question, but in terms of the end user, there hasn't been any issues that I've seen.
Fine as in they work. I can't answer the second question but why wouldn't they be legit? Tesco sell iTunes vouchers and you can be sure they make a profit from them. Who's to know what the profit margin is, if these sellers buy them in quantity and shift in volume, they're still making a profit.
That's the problem you don't know. You could well be funding credit card fraud or money launderers.

Apples iTunes T&C's also state:

iTunes reserves the right to close accounts and request alternative forms of payment if a Gift Certificate, iTunes Card, Content Code, or Allowance is fraudulently obtained or used on the Stores.

But clearly I'm in the minority here so I'll let you all carry on :)
I think we are working on the idea that anything you buy could be stolen and the fact that the codes are being emailed takes nothing away from that. Little point in posting a card with a code on it when you can email it. The codes wouldn't be quite so cheap if they had postage on a £20 voucher.

I get your point but I think you might be taking brevity on the sellers part for dishonesty.
I used to work in asda and every now and then apple would tell us to do promotions on such cards usually the case near christmas.

If you buy it through eBay, you're protected if there cards don't turn out to be legit. So you can claim your money back.

Also apple wont chase you.

if he provides the card yes your covered if only sending the codes ebay won't cover ....

you are only protected for tangible goods i.e. something in your hand ,,, codes are not covered

as i found out once buying apple care ,,, however as i had used my CC to cover the purchase with paypal i got my monies back through the CC so if using paypal use CC as payment

thats the reason they default you to a bank account ,,, the banks won't help like a CC company can

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