[Discussion] Camera Phone Competition

Please follow the posting rules for the images you submit!
There's even an example to show you what to do! :p
Yey - the border rule is there. If we all pick the winner, who disqualifies people? :p

My camera phone is sooo bad I probably won't be able to enter.
Does the placeholder rule mean you can only enter one photo which you can't change later, or does it just mean you can't post a blank post and put a photo on later?
Amp34 said:
Does the placeholder rule mean you can only enter one photo which you can't change later, or does it just mean you can't post a blank post and put a photo on later?

No posts without a photo :) So you can change it at any time you like, but don't go posting 'Placeholder' as that's just stupid!

and i'll disqualify people :p
Ah good, I may post myself a photo up today them. :) I just didnt want to post one and find out I wasnt allowed to change it.
Charlie Bravo said:
I'd enter if there wasn't a restriction on the date the pic was taken. Ah well.

I'm quite tempted to get rid of the date restriction. Does anyone have any problems with that?
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