disected my freezer

27 Oct 2005
hehe i was bored the other day so i pulled the stanley knife out

whe i got my freezer64pro they sent me 2 by accident so i removed the fan from one and strapped my vantec tornado to it with assistance of some cable ties

now 146 @ 2.7 NEVER goes over 30c even on mega gaming :D

note, tis rather loud thow, but i always play with headphones on so its fine for me
ok here it is lol, apologies for size/quality of pics my mobile brick sucks


This is the stuff i needed, my freezer64, my vantec tornado and an old sock to get rid of that white stuff that gets everywhere


ragged off the old fan and shroud (did try to attack to original shroud but managed to break the filmsy plastic) i had to attach bottom to pipes with 2 cable ties and 2 screws hold the top, its VERY secure


here it is in place after much fiddling, i left 2 sticks of ram in for fitting to ensure the tornado clears it, which it does by a nice 3mm

oh yeh and i ran out of cable ties so no harassing me about the wires everywhere situation pls :D

it is loud but does the job brilliantly, oh yeh and turned it the right way round thanks Raikiri :rolleyes:
damn jsut realised that will be wrong, i tweaked the voltage when i ran 3ghz, it was stable but the silver thing kinda like a north bridge got real hot, better lower it again hehe
another Q then hehe

ive been playing with my settings now and noticed in one of my last posts sum1 said i should lower my HTT speed, now im wondering if this could be why my chipset gets warm?

if so i had a look through and theres LOADS of stuff, NB - SB etc etc

if i have to change which? lol
i couldnt find anything like that

besides normal cpu multiplier etc i have this...

CPU - NB Link Speed
CPU - NB Link Width
NB - SB Link Speed
NB - SB Link Width
HTT to PCI Decode sequence
DRAM Voltage
Gated Clock funtion

look anything like? the Link Speed ones are all set to 1000mhz, i guess this must be the hypertransport thing?

and i just bought a vantec 3.5" fan controller in black for 4quid! :)
its got the molex inputs and outputs like my tornado instead of those silly little connectors :D
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ok, so i changed that to 800 and even tried changing the other link speed one to 800 also, but cpu-z still reports l2 cache (i take it this is HTT) as 2.7ghz :confused:

i dont wanna fry owt so i de clocked it a bit for now till i can sort :cool:
my 92mm tornado fits nicely, i would have though a 120 was a bit large?

or maybe its just the 5000rpm that does it lol

right now everest reckons its idling at 23c with chipset at 25c
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