Disgusting !

19 Feb 2007
Area 18, ArcCorp
Ok so about 3'ish months ago i downloaded the demo of two worlds to see what it was like before buying the full product, and about a week ago i went and bought from Steam.
Now i got a letter from 'Davenport Lyons'' Solicitors saying i illegally downloaded this game in august, now the only thing i downloaded was the demo, the document even has my ip address and allegid program i used to download the demo, and the size of it, and now im being charged £700 for them saying i downloaded something called razer 1911, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT.
And the most annoying thing is i cant get in contact with reality pump because there number isnt correct, and the solicitors are closed.
But the weirdest part is the papers sent look like theyve all been forged and the signarure looks like a childs writting.
So in about 2 weeks when they want this apparent fine i will be on the streets.
Well the ip address matches but i dont understand i dont even know how to download two worlds other than through steam, im getting very worried because ive never been in trouble,
They say in there letter that they demand £700 or it will go up and up, but it confuses me that i didnt do what they claim i did and i cant proove otherwise as i dont keep records of my day to day life.
No i am telling you everything, im just lost for words as before today i honestly didnt know you could download full games from piracy groups, i thought the only way was to go to the ea online store or through steam.
One more thing i have onboard wifi and was wondering could someone use there comp to somehow connect to the net through mine and download stuff, as i leave my comp on for ages days even and im at my girlfriends a lot of the time so i wouldnt notice if my internet was slow.
Listen i dont have a camera or a scanner, i just posted this to get help and information not be called a liar, ive never done anything wrong in my life i always try to help people regardless of the matter, so if no one believs me i couldnt give a tiny rats ass trying to convince people.
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