Dismissed by job - unfair dismissal claim

13 Jan 2010
So this has happened.

I'm going to be dismissed from my job.
Pip process wasn't followed correctly
Settlement seems small
I just reached 2 years employment

End of last year I was put on a pip for what I was told was 1 key KPI.
I worked on that KPI.
In November I was told I had completed that and the pip and) due to improvement of and it be signed off as complete.
We had no formal meetings etc.
I never saw the document.

In December I keep hassling my boss about if the pip is being signed off. He says he is trying to get it signed off but it isn't happening so alarm bells start ringing.

By this point I've asked several times to see the pip, I ask about sign off etc etc.
But nothing.

Just before Christmas I get pulled into a HR meeting where I learn there is more on the pip than I expected. But again. I still haven't seen it. Big boss says "we will sort this in the new year"

New year rolls on and a meeting appears telling me I'm terminated.

I've also learnt that my boss has been terminated. And obviously just didn't follow process at all. With other failings.

I've been offered a settlement sum which I think is low. Less than 2 months salary.

Any advice on if it's worth taking to tribunal? I was hoping they'd settle for more.
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Yeah this is what I was trying to figure out.

Is 2 months wages and the avoidance of hassle worth it.

If average payout is 20k in my circumstances then yeah worth chasing. But if it's closer to 10. It isn't worth it

And yes. Not a good time to have it happen in current economy.
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Is that two months on top of your notice period?

Do you have any pending bonus payments due in the next couple of months from last years work?

1 month for each years service is a reasonable payout, If it was me I'd ask for 2 months plus notice and payout of any bonus for previous years work and see what happens.

Yeah it is.
Basically 3 months notice.
Tax free lump sum.
Holiday pay.

No contractual bonus.
My situation was similar, totally fictitious pip that was therefore impossible to satisfy or challenge. When I looked into pursuing a claim I decided it wasn't worth the hassle due to costs, stress, chance of success, and likely outcome if successful. Plus the backdrop that companies can, and regularly do, mess their employees about at their 2 years of service, and they routinely get away with it. Labour said they'd change the 2 year period but I don't think that happened yet. I think your deal isn't too bad, so if I was you I'd accept the deal and move on. However, I'm curious to see how it goes if you try a claim, so if you attempt it for science I can get behind that. I still look back on my job and wonder how I got so royally screwed over when I was the best employee, I'm not sure whether a claim would have provided more closure or extended the misery.

Same boat.
I wonder how much "life cost" trying to pursue it would be.

Even now I'm thinking about this rather than applying for jobs.
How much mental load is this going to take?

I'm 50:50 on what to do which makes it so difficult. Genuinely 50:50.

Settlement is easier. But with the job market and way it is, pushing is more tempting.
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Not terrible. I'd probably just move on.
You did say you wanted more time off. :p

Yeah this has certainly changed the other thread.

I'm also now looking for contracts and perm jobs. But with this significant development. It's definitely a time to persue contracts.

I'm so thankful I'm in a financially good place.

I'm stressing a bit over the settlement stuff but not about cash flow... Yet!
ACAS is a waste of time. If they made you redundant you would be entitled to less.

Take the money and walk away. You said yourself this wasn't a job that was making you happy.

Yeah I'm pretty close to this position now in my head. Just making sure I'm sure.

And yes. Acas haven't really helped. When they can't give advice it's not it the most useful in this situation.

I also thought that about redundancy too. It would be less.
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