Disney + - IMAX enhanced

Only Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame will gain as they were shot 100% in this format. Some of the 13 films listed by disney only have a few minutes of footage in 1.9:1 in the film so not sure its going to make a massive difference. But its free so wont complain,
Only Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame will gain as they were shot 100% in this format. Some of the 13 films listed by disney only have a few minutes of footage in 1.9:1 in the film so not sure its going to make a massive difference. But its free so wont complain,
Just watched Shang chi and the whole movie was in imax. Looked very nice on my LG CX!
Just watched Shang chi and the whole movie was in imax. Looked very nice on my LG CX!

Yeah sorry I was referring to older films and the person who said they were going to rewatch some of them., Hopefully every new film going forward will be in Imax format.
Tried out Guardians of the Galaxy IMAX enhanced vs the UHD Blu-ray on Saturday, and I have to say that the steam looked better. Certainly brighter and with more vivid colours. I reckon I'd have to up the volume of the stream a couple of dB to match the audio on the disk though.
4k Blu-ray or .mkv?

Could be that your picture settings for the Blu-ray input are different to your streaming settings

MKV one to one rip from the disk, so no different to using the disk. In the past I've ripped disks and check the image of a rip versus the disk and there's no difference.

My picture settings are saved for all inputs so they'll be the same apart from one is HDR 10 and the other is Dolby Vision. That's probably making the difference in the image, even though DV tends to darken the image.
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