Display off screen with Dell 26" TFT and Radeon 1800XL

28 Oct 2002

I hope someone might have a suggestion as to cause of this odd issue. My display (including boot/BIOS) is off the edge of the screen on my Dell 26" TFT but fine on my Sony 24" CRT. I tried reversing the connections, but the same result. I therefore think the card is OK as the CRT displays fine from either output. The Dell seems fully functional other than the anormaly. Anyone know a reason for this type of behaviour and a resolution?

The card did display poorly at boot but this was an issue between the Nforce 4 and the ATI card, which required DotNet to fix. The BIOS update seemed to fix this, as the boot screen is now normal - but off the edge.
Could it be a BIOS issue?

The board is the Asus A8N Premium.

Thanks to all
Check the resolution is set to default. Probably 1280x1024.

I had the same problem when building a rig for a mate and that was why.
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