Displaying a page on a page?

18 Feb 2006
Hey, I have a clan webiste on a dedicated server, and I have a section where it says when our next match is - this is on every page. I was going to change each page individually when it was only 5 pages, but now I am going to have a page for each member with information about them it will be too much work changing it, and i am finding it very tireing doing it for just the 5 pages.

How can I make it so there is one page I change and they all change?

Thanks, Trifid.
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Thanks for the help Raist.

Will this work on a html page? or vice versa? As the site is in HTML (the site has php, but my knowledge is limited to doing very small things with it.)

edit:I have put it on my site, and it didn't work. I am finding out now how to do it.

It works. Now I need to align it. (goes to php guide in the sticky.)

OK, I'm now stuck again, why is it to the right of the table? http://www.ultimateunity.co.uk/testing2.htm

Edit again, can anyone confirm that the next match is in the centre? As I ended up doing it by trial and error (which I'm not too proud of tbh.)
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Hopefully one of the other masters here can help you out. I saved that thread because I was hoping to apply it to my site. I have a top navbar and two sides that occassionally get modified, except I have it on about 70 pages. I would really like to make it dynamic.

I'm glad you got as far as you did, though. :)
Are each page created by PHP or are they static HTML?

if they are dynamic (PHP) pages you can create the 'snippet' that contains the match table and include() that page into every page you want the table to be on.

If static HTML you can iframe, like suggested above, the table page which will also be a seperate file.
Frames and iframes are different and eliminate most of the frowned upon problems afaik (I don't use them)

You can also use HTML includes <!--#include file="file.html" -->
I have done the site, and am happy with it. I am now in the process of putting it on the forums (along with my own template which I am struggling, but I will sort that out my self.) The problem is, it isn't displaying the next match, no matter what I call the page to display it on.
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