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<p>It is recommended that people undergo Disability Equality Training every 2 years. Therefore Equal Equality have designed different programmes to suit pupils of years, 7, 9, 11, & 13.</p>
<p><strong>Aim:</strong> The overall goal of the session is to help participants understand some basic equality issues. To help them understand the different barriers facing disabled people with particular impairments and how they can be removed. This should ultimately provide clearer thinking about disability in relation to imagery and media.</p>
<li>Explore the history of disabled people</li>
<li>Explore the situation facing disabled people today</li>
<li>Explore the peoples perception of disability</li>
<li>Provide and demonstrate an understanding of working</li>
<li>Peoples Perceptions - art & crafts, Quiz</li>
<li>History - video</li>
<li>Barriers disabled people face - group work</li>
<li>Communication - sketch</li>
<li>Recognising diversity</li>
<li>Support and Inclusion</li>
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