DIY : Installing an LNB for Freesat - help plz!

18 Oct 2002
I am planning on installing a new quad LNB for the new Panasonic Plasma that is on the way from JL. Having never done this before I thought I would ask for some advice please.

This is my current Sky dish that supplies a feed to my Sky box (this will remain in place for the old TV).


I believe it is a 43cm Zone 1 minidish as installed by Sky, but cannot be sure. It clearly only has a single LNB.

I am planning on purchasing a quad LNB (from here)

I understand that this will be a simple, remove and replace (possibly held by a single screw on the underside).

What connector connects the LNB to the cable I shall be installing?

The cable I have planned is this

Also what connector will connect the coaxial cable to the TV freesat? Will it be the same as the connector for the cable here?

Also do I need a crimpler tool for the connectors to go on to the coaxial cable.

AFAIK it's just the same F-connector on one end of the cable to the other. I didn't use a crimp tool when I installed a dish for Freesat this April. Just pliers and some water-proof tape around the external connectors.

Just make sure when you run the cable you leave a U shape loop by the dish and the entry point so water doesn't get in anywhere.
Everything you have selected should be fine.

LNB replacement is simple enough, as mentioned, it's typically 1 or 2 screws.

The F-Connectors fit on both ends, 1 into the LNB and 1 to the device.

You can get stripping tools for prepping the cable, but it's easy enough to do with a knife. You strip the black plastic outer sheath about three quaters of an inch, fold the copper stranded cable back on the wire. Then you strip the white inner core plastic about half an inch and leave the solid inner cooper wire straight.

The F Connector then screws onto the cable.

There are probably plenty of videos on youtube if your unsure.
One more thing. After stripping the cable and folding the copper strands back, make sure that NONE is touching the main copper wire, not even one bit of strand. You'll have no picture otherwise and cause yourself hours and hours of headache trying to locate the problem.
You have everything already to replace the LNB. 20 second job. No, 15 second job.

- Ex Sky Installer.
LOL, Regulus' comment feels like one of those "I'll ******* double check that every time I do it from now on" moments.
One more thing. After stripping the cable and folding the copper strands back, make sure that NONE is touching the main copper wire, not even one bit of strand. You'll have no picture otherwise and cause yourself hours and hours of headache trying to locate the problem.
You have everything already to replace the LNB. 20 second job. No, 15 second job.

- Ex Sky Installer.

Thanks for that top tip. What is the feeling about the need to use silicone grease, and where can I get some from (don't fancy paying £5 postage for a tube!).
Problem with Satcure is a tube for silicone grease is £3.95 and add delivery comes to about £9!

Anyone know where else I can get it from?
I seem to recall that vaseline can be used instead.....[google]... Yes a few sites say that though according to Satcure the vaseline will degrade quicker. Screwfix do self amalgamating tape.
At the end of the day if you don't protect the wire from the elements it will corrode and you will have to remake the connection in a year or two. Looks like you have good access so probably not a big issue?
I try to use self almagamating tape, easy to use....
Only done a couple, new house this time round and we're getting Sky to come and install an 8-output LNB
Can't remember needing any grease of silicone when I was installing. Is this for use on the F-Connector? If so, I can guarantee you it would work just as well without.
Can't remember needing any grease of silicone when I was installing. Is this for use on the F-Connector? If so, I can guarantee you it would work just as well without.

Stops the weather from destroying the F-connector.

It's advisable to use it, and costs peanuts so it's hardly worth skimping.
Type R, the angle of the LNB is important too. Have a read up of the various "how to" guides online. You'll find info about how the LNB rotates in the bracket. Have a look a your old one before removing it and you should see some marking underneath. :)
Type R, the angle of the LNB is important too. Have a read up of the various "how to" guides online. You'll find info about how the LNB rotates in the bracket. Have a look a your old one before removing it and you should see some marking underneath. :)

Thanks Lucid, yeah have seen that this is the most important thing, to make sure everything is aligned correctly. Will take some pics before removing the old one, and look for the markings. Apparently they click from left to right, so its all about just clicking it the same number on the new one.

The install will happen on Friday so I shall keep you guys posted!
had my 8-out LNB installed yesterday. Apart from the useless bods at Sky who couldn't understand that we had 2 SkyHD boxes all went well!
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