DIY or get a plumber in?

1 Oct 2008
Designing Buildings
Yesterday the plug in my sink got stuck (not the first time) so I tried wiggling the plug pop up waste mechanism at the back of the sink but nothing happened. Used a plunger on it but it only popped up briefly then go back into its stuck position. I had a look on the net and good old youtube had a video. Used the comment method (duct tape) as i didn't have a suction thingy to remove the plug.

On inspection the 'leg' which pops the plug hole back up has broken off so it will mean replacing the whole mono lever mixer tap with pop up waste. I've seen replacement ones on the B&Q website and I'm wondering first of all a) is this something i can replace myself (potential to flood house! :p) or get a plumber in to do it for me.

Also I'm not overly keen on the mixer tap (headbutt it while washing my face in the morning) and think a two tap basin would be better but again is this something i can attempt myself or would it be better to get someone in to do it.
Well if you don't attempt to do new things you'll never learn, how do think a plumber learnt how to do it?

It's a bit fiddly, but all plumbing is fiddly.
If your feed pipes haven't got isolation valves, then fit them.

cant really fault the logic although the bit in bold suggests a simplistic view of plumbing. They're time served for a reason, they didn't just crash on and do it first time! :p

If you've got isolation valves for the tap (you should have if its been properly fitted!) then you can't **** up too badly. The worst that can happen is that it leaks everywhere when you turn the water back on, in which case you isolate it again and either have another go or phone a plumber to sort out the mess you've made!

I'm no plumber but I managed to change a tap on the bath a while back and it wasn't that hard :)

I've only been in the house a few months so all this diy malarky is new to me :p Theres no isolation valves fitted but I've been speaking to my dad and I think I'll be opting for a two tap sink next and getting some fitted. Just a matter of getting things ordered up, ripped out and replaced :)
I fitted our bath taps with shower attachment without an isolator. Kept the mrs busy turning the water on and off :D

Give it a go, what's the worst that can happen?!

Make sure you gave the right kit, a wrench you can get in, PTFE tape, etc.

its tempting but thinking about things a bit more I'm wanting to get more done. Stick down a layer of plywood, get some floor tiles done along with stripping off the paper and giving the rest a paint over, fitting a shower screen to replace the curtain. having spoken to my folks a friend of theirs had to get their WC removed while fitting the flooring and took a couple of days. So I'm thinking it might be better getting a pro in to do it :o
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