DIY photography laptop case for under £30

21 Oct 2004
Los Angeles
Some of you may have seen this video by Chase Jarvis of his Pelican 1490 location laptop case. It's a great set up but is £150+ all in.

I just built one for less than £30 and thought it may be of interest to some of you guys that need to use your computers out and about on shoots.

Any questions lemme know :)
This is cool, I remember seeing the orig video way back. I've never needed or wanted to take my comp on shoots, can anyone give examples why I might want to take my laptop along next time. As in what cool stuff could I additionaly do with my macbook in the field that can't wait until I get home.
This is cool, I remember seeing the orig video way back. I've never needed or wanted to take my comp on shoots, can anyone give examples why I might want to take my laptop along next time. As in what cool stuff could I additionaly do with my macbook in the field that can't wait until I get home.

10 years ago it might've been handy with the poor capacity of memory cards but other than chimping on a larger screen I can't see the benefit.
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