DJ Advice

24 Sep 2003

I'm tempted to try and bit of DJ'ing (just for fun, at least initially) now that I've got more into my music.

I was just wondering if anyone has used software (most of my music is on my PC) with a hardware mixer to do this and if so does it work well (enough) and what is recommended.

Any help appreciated.

Just for info my main music interests are: house, trance and electro


i used traktor and virtual DJ with an external mixer, it was good but its not even close to a proper set of decks when it comes to satisfaction and enjoyment

imo anyway

i would get virtual dj and a mixer and hook it up through the front/rear outputs of your sound card (providing its 5.1)

ableton live is probably the best software but its more for planned mixes with re-edits etc rather than sporadic mixing
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Thanks for the info, will check it out.

Any recommendations on mixers? Obviously not after anything for mega-money.


Not sure tbh, my experience is fairly limited. I would have thought a traditional one, that could give me the option of plugging into decks in the future.

Thanks for the reply,

virtual dj is definetly where its at

ableton afterwards , easyish to use but wont teach you much about dj ing , also very expensive
andy said:
virtual dj is definetly where its at

ableton afterwards , easyish to use but wont teach you much about dj ing , also very expensive

virtual dj or traktor wont teach you any more about djing more than ableton really imo

either way if you can pull off a good set on the pc theres no reason why you couldnt on vinyl/cd once you've got cueing/beatmatching sussed
Thanks for all the responses guys.

Now looking to source myself a mixer, think my mate has got one he is not using which would be good for a mess about.


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