Newish to django and python but been working through a tutorial and got something working however I'm trying to improve its functionality.
They have told us to use which works well, for getting users to sign in /up with there email and a password. I have 2 issues
1 i cant get redirect to work
But also I cant get it to change from needing an email address to sign up to just a username (if you try doing it with out a @ sign then it doesnt validate) and I display this 'username' later on I have had a look at the classic view here but again this doesnt work. I tried all the variables I can of it is there anything that I'm missing
They have told us to use which works well, for getting users to sign in /up with there email and a password. I have 2 issues
1 i cant get redirect to work
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.views.generic import TemplateView
from django.views.generic.list import ListView
from django.views.generic.detail import DetailView
from django.views.generic.edit import CreateView, UpdateView
from sitegate.decorators import redirect_signedin, sitegate_view, signup_view
from sitegate.signup_flows.classic import ClassicSignup
import core.models as coremodels
# Create your views here.
class RaceListView(ListView):
model = coremodels.Race
template_name = 'race/list.html'
paginate_by = 5
#other views
@sitegate_view(widget_attrs={'class': 'form-control', 'placeholder': lambda f: f.label}, template='form_bootstrap3') # This also prevents logged in users from accessing our sign in/sign up page.
def entrance(request):
return render(request, 'base/entrance.html', {'title': 'Sign in & Sign up'})
But also I cant get it to change from needing an email address to sign up to just a username (if you try doing it with out a @ sign then it doesnt validate) and I display this 'username' later on I have had a look at the classic view here but again this doesnt work. I tried all the variables I can of it is there anything that I'm missing