DJI Phantom 3 Professional

19 Oct 2002
Just wondering if anyone has one of these and if so what do you think of it?

I've got an itch to treat myself to one for Christmas as I'd like to take it with me to Iceland in the new year and generally just have a play :)

How easy is it to fly, they said it's almost idiot proof? also how much flight time do you get out of a battery. Anything that you would recommend getting with it?

Got the pro. If I had known they were going to upgrade the camera on the advanced via firmware I would have saved money and got that instead.

You get about 2 minutes flight time from a battery and I bought a spare two so I find that's enough for a session.

Buy one set of spare props cause you will hit a tree or something at some point ;)

And yes they are amazing and totally idiot proof to fly. Release controls and it just stops and hovers. There is a thread on gd just for people who have them :)

Many thanks for this, I'll jump over to the GD and ask some more questions in there.

Ohh and I hope you do mean 20 and not 2 :)
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