DLDSR issue

29 Nov 2021

Not 100% sure which topic to post this in, but as my issue occurs in games I'll post here.

I'm having issues when enabling Dldsr on my setup. I have a Rtx 3070 with 2 1080 screens connected (one pc monitor and one TV). The pc monitor is connected via a HDMI to display port adapter, and the TV through a DVI to display port adapter (incase this really matters)

When I try to play games in 2.25x Dldsr with screens in duplicate mode (how I set my screens up) I only get an image on my TV screen (the monitor stays black) And if I set to 1st or 2nd screen only, the image correctly shows on the corresponding screen.

When I do not use Dldsr both screens show the display correctly.

Anyone else having issues with dual monitor setups?
No but there was an issue specific to ultrawides where the 1.75x option was broken and gave a black screen requiring a hard reset - could be related? That was fixed in the latest Nvidia driver update so if you haven't got that, try it.
Thanks for your reply.

I just checked but it still does not work with the latest driver.

I forgot to mention that i can see a low resolution (pixelated) windows cursor on the black screen (so not quite 100% black)
I don't get why you need to have picture on both screens. I use the same setup (TV and monitor), have TV set to primary, monitor extended secondary, and I play on TV and DLDSR and DSR work fine.
I set it this way for a few reasons.
1. Ease of use for a family member who isn't very good with computers.
2. I despise the cursor going from one screen to another.
3. I often play on one screen and then the other in the same "session" (When someone else else wants the TV) and have previously run into issues throwing games from one monitor to the other.
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