DnD starter stories

28 Aug 2014
I have always like the idea of DnD but never really had a group freinds that would be interested in it.now I have 2 children one of them think would absolutely love it but only if introduced carefully to it.

Can anybody suggest some books that would be interactive ( I cant really think how to describe it ) in a way that my son would choose what route to take ie. Open the chest or leave the chest turn to x page to continue the story. Go down the dark road or the well lit road. Be nice or be mean. And then the story prompts you to go to a certain page to follow on from the choice you have made.

Im not sure if I'm describing it very well but I know my son would get lost and bored if I started to throw dice rolling and stats at him.
You’re looking for choose your own adventure books.

It’ss whole genre so just pop that into Amazon and you’ll get a whole bunch. I loved them as a kid, fondly remember doing one where you had to prove the Loch Ness monster existed.
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I didn't know about those monty, but I remember the Fighting Fantasy series of books as a kid in the 80's, made by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone

They sound the same, but also use dice to bring in the random factor

Great books/games and certainly started my foray into the DnD world.
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