18 Oct 2002
Somewhere on the Rainbow
Do any of you good folk use anything other than Microsoft Server to provision this? We've got an issue with our current MS licencing where we have a number of customers who get their DHCP and DNS from us using our licences, going forward that wouldnt be compliant with MS licencing t&c's and we've been advised that if we want to carry on using MS to provide DNS and DHCP we would either need to build each customer their own infrastructure with their own licences or switch to CSP (what used to be called SPLA) with the management overheads and costs that brings.

Looking around there's not that many offerings, i can see a bit from Cisco and also Infoblox. Anyone use them? Any others to consider?
You can use a bind version that supports service records which can running Linux / Unix which I believe most do but check

Can be run on most devies the clients would use as their default gateway (e.g. router, and some switches), or indeed run DHCP on the same box
as above

Quick edit, I'm assuming you're wanting DNS which supports active directory, if not then you don't need one which supports service records as above
I came across the Infoblox kit at the UK site for a Germany company. Seemed to do the job as they were rolling it out worldwide for DNS/DHCP but didn't get to see any central administration console or anything.
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