Do all speed cameras flash?

The ones in the variable speed zones generally do.

Are you sure it was 30mph though? I've never seen a variable limit less than 40 on the motorway I assumed that was the minimum they'd do.
I was driving on the M1 and M25 the other day and I was in a few variable speed limit zones (that were active). I think I may have gone over the speed limit in one zone (which was 30MPH) - would I have been flashed if I had? Do all speed cameras flash?

you might not notice it flash, esp on a bright day
i think they all flash, but not all use visible light, if that makes sense... some use infrared lights to illuminate the area for the photo (like night vision cctv), so you wont see it flashing.

Forward facing cameras (those that capture the driver as well as the front of the car) have to be, to prevent blinding the driver when they flash. And, I think most of the newer cameras are all infrared.
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On the M1 some of the cameras are HADECS 3, while some of the older ones are a kind of Gatso.

Both these types of cameras flash, I have seen a few of them flash on the other side of the carriageway in both day and night.
Take a quick look on the ukspeedcameras site, it shows each type of cameras operating in the UK. :)
I heard that the latest version of HADECS will average your speed out over quite some distance, so it will no longer be a case of ~20m of road markings where you're being speed checked on a smart motorway
I heard that the latest version of HADECS will average your speed out over quite some distance, so it will no longer be a case of ~20m of road markings where you're being speed checked on a smart motorway

Unless there's a new version I haven't heard about, that isn't true.

OP, not all speed cameras flash but all the VSL ones do so if it was at night you'd definitely have noticed it. Most of the gantries don't actually have live cameras in them so your chances of getting caught aren't as high as people think.
Most of the gantries don't actually have live cameras in them so your chances of getting caught aren't as high as people think.

When a friend was 18 he used to come home from a friends house in Surrey and join the M25 from the A3, get up to slightly higher than motorway speed and get flashed by the first gantry camera. Not intentionally but it happened 3 times before my friend started being more careful. Luckily nothing ever came of it but he was flashed every time.
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