Do any developers here use Gitcoin at all?

1 Nov 2007
I've just come across Gitcoin and think it looks pretty impressive.

Basically, you get paid to contribute to open source projects on Github (I'm not sure if they support other Git platforms like Gitlab though). It might make me look into helping out with some open source projects as getting a little bit of money would help me out at the moment.
Ah right, thought you could just browse them. Let us know what sort of stuff is on there. :)

I've just had a bit of a look at some of the jobs available. There seems to be a wide variety available from jobs in the $2 to $3 range all the way up to hundreds of dollars. I put myself down as a beginner developer (less than 3 years experience) so I'm not sure what the intermediate or advanced developer jobs are like.
Quite happy contributing for free myself.

It'll suffer the same problems as all the other online freelancing websites, i.e. they're worthless for anyone living in a first world country because you'll be undercut by people that can live off a few dollars a day.
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