Do any "PDA" like devices exist in 2020?

Please can you show me which PDA's are listed in that link?
Thanks for the planet computers link.
The point was more about how you define a PDA, and how there isn't really such a thing any more. Everything a traditional PDA does is done by a Smartphone in 2020. There is no longer such a thing as a PDA in the modern sense, as there's no longer any point in just a Smart without the Phone. It's all Smart with the phone included. Even the Gemni "PDA" has wireless, 4G and phone call capability.
The HP iPAQ from the article is actually a Pocket-PC rather than a PDA, although possibly closer to being a UMPC.

There are PDAs which, as I explained, are data devices dedicated to specific functions, but they're outside of the traditional PDA scope.
There are essentially mini-laptop/smartphone hybrid devices that fill the role of PDA, but are technically not PDAs unless you disable all the smartphone functionality.
The likes of the Gemini and GPD WIN series are again mini/pocket PCs.

To readdress your question - No, there are no longer any PDAs in the original sense.
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