Do gamers expect a master piece everytime?

24 Aug 2006
Reading through the threads and some of the hate dished out to devs and publishers is unreal. Have we gamers become to demanding or have we just become too unreasonable in demands?
I don't see people in the film section dishing out hate to warner brother or directors. I mean if its a bad movie we watching once and thats it but gamers play a game don,t like it but then plough another 50 hours into it.
I think major problems occur when publishers/developers take a well known and loved franchise and churn out a crappy generic game with that name on it in order to cash in.

If they stuck to making crappy generic games without ruining existing franchises then people would just call it a bad game and move on.

Cashing in on franchises is not something exclusive to vidoe games.
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