Do I get another 1G or a new 2G kit?

20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
This is an Intel P4 system with Asus P4C800-E delux mobo with 1gig of Geil Ultra Platinum PC3500.

Do I get 2x1G kit


another 2x512mb kit?

Obviously i want to go with option 2 as it is cheaper, but would i need to get the same or any will do, if so which one? Also it is alright to run 4 sticks in an Intel rig correct?
Using all 4 slots may hinder any overclokcing you may be doing as it will put more stress on the controller.

Ideally you should get the same stuff, although I have run different ram in the past id imagine youll be less likely to run into problems if its the same.
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