Do I have the best GF in the world or what!?

21 Oct 2002
Do I have the best girl friend in the world or what!? She just bought me these presents as a surprise!:

Sennheiser 650's:


Details [link is american site so as not to post any competitors, hope thats ok?]

All I can say about these headphones is WOW!

and this:

Roland RD700SX. Proper weighted keys and all!


Im well chuffed! :D Completely surprised and didnt expect it - I cant believe she got these for me. Something I've been wanting for years but never mentioned it that much.
She hasnt done anything wrong as far as I know :P Just a random gift she wanted to get me. Strange I know but she wanted to do it and Im not complaining :)
I did blur it that extra more so that anyone trying to alter the image wouldnt get too far :) Although im sure it basmic's image can be improved upon.
I think the picture is misleading - she is not really that dark skinned normally - shes European yes but that picture was taken right after two weeks in the sun, when she gets ridiculously tanned.
Skyfire said:
But the real question is what are you going to do for her in return? :)

Learn to play the piano! She got me the keyboard because it takes up far less room than a full sized piano. I havent played in years and Ive forgotten it all. So Im going to take up the lessons again or self teach :)
Maybe its overkill for a learner, but what the hey :D
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