Do I need a new case?

26 Jul 2006

Pretty soon I'm going through a big upgrade for a conroe system. I'll be getting a new motherboard, ram, gpu, cpu... well, hardly an upgrade, more so a whole new PC!

Since I'm getting a new motherboard I don't know if I need a newer, bigger case for this to go into or if my current one will work with it. The motherboard I currently use is an Abit NF7-something or other. I'm waiting for the new motherboards using ATi's RD600 chipset to come out.

If I do need a new case, can you recommend one? I'm much more fussed about functionality, reliability and good air-flow more than anything else. I don't care if it looks as ugly as sin :p

What case do you have atm?

Super Lanboy
Lian Li PC7+
Akasa Eclipse

Pretty much standard answers at diferent price points, all of them the best in their range. (0-£40, £41-60, £61-£100). I have two of them and both are very good.
Raikiri said:
What case do you have atm?
That's a pretty good question - I don't actually know. I've just had a look, but can't really seem to find any information at all (if I had a manual or box, it's long gone by now!)

I've heard Lian-Li's are pretty sexy, so might go for one of them.
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