Do I need a new PSU?



25 Apr 2006
Afternoon guys,

I have been having problems with my rig locking/freezing during gameplay. It then recovers (I think someone mentioned a VPU somewhere in a graphics card thread.) It is quite annoying. I personally thought it must be the graphics card but OCUK reckon it is the PSU.

Now for the specs:

An Arctic Cooling Silentium T2 which comes with a Seasonic 350w continous and 450w max output. Asus A8R-MVP running an AMD 3200 Venice, 2x512Mb ram, 1 WD 250Gb SATA2 16MB cache drive, 4 80mm case fans and 1 120m Arctic Cooling HSF. The graphics card is the powercolor X800 GTO16 and i am running USB keyboard, mouse and a webcam.

The forum suggested I check the PSU use on this website

Using the above specs and a DVD RW and factoring in a 20% surge compensation and 20% capacitor aging (surely a non issue on a rig about three weeks old and 50 hours of PSU time), I get 333w. OK, close but the Seasonic is supposed to be 350 continous and 450 max for a *short time*.

Now to go and fork out GBP60 or GBP70 on the off chance that it might be the PSU as opposed to a faulty GPU card is asking a lot.

Anyway I can check on the power load using software? Asus have a PC Probe software which monitors volts and temps. What can I use to load the GPU whilst watching the volts other than licking my finger tips and hoping for the best? :D

Thanks guys.

You can try checking the 12v rail and see if it changes at all when the pc is under load. You can download 3dmark 06 to load it up or just run a game.

Unfortunately that case uses a non-standard psu, and a low power one at that. Its been highly criticised for this by reviewers.
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Unplug non-essential devices, second hard drive, second cd drive, case fans etc.....basicly anything you can run the PC without whilst being able to play your game(s).

Play the game and see if it still does it, if the problems goes away then you can be pretty sure the PSU is somewhat lacking.
PSU readings

Hi again,

Sorry for the delay, but was out and about. Using the Asus PC Probe II, my 3.3V rail reads 3.31;
5V reads 5.09
12V reads 11.73
VCore reads 1.44

What I have noticed when I set alert levels and logging during a Hiden and Dangerous2 session is that the 12V can drop to 11.6 although it will fluctuate between 11.6 and 11.73 (11.63 and 11.67 being the readings).

The Vcore also fluctuates between 1.38 and 1.49 with the AMD 3200+ Venice core nominal spec being 1.42 although it generally reads 1.44 on PC Probe.

Now, is the 12V reading within normal levels or must I send it back. After all, the 5V rail gives an extra 0.09V whilst the 12V is always a minimum of 0.27V under.

What also concerns me is is the relatively "extreme" fluctuations in VCore of 5% over and 2.8% below. I understand that the software probably has some sort of error factor so am deferring to anyone's expertise in this area.

Also, the Powercolour X800 GTO16 temps are in the 52C-54C. Is that OK?

Those temps are fine.

You really need to measure the 12v rail with a multimetre to eliminate any software error, however if the software is correct then you should definately replace the psu.

I'm not too sure about the vcore, i find mine fluctuates a bit too, although not that much.

If i were you, i would send it back and buy an Antec p180 and a seasonic s12 430 if you can.
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