Do I Need HDMI On A TV??

20 Oct 2004
Hi guys, I don't come round here often but could do with some help.

As some of you may have seen there's a cheap 32" Hyundai going and I'm fairly keen on getting it apart from the fact that everyone on Av forums seems to be complaining about the lack of HDMI.

But do I really need it?

It'll be mainly used for Sky tv, home cinema and playing on my Xbox 360.

Any input is appreciated, thanks.
HDMI is the new standard in digital connectivity and you'll need an HDMI port to connect up a SkyHD/Bluray or HD-DVD drive. TBH If you're going for an LCD or Plasma TV it is pretty much a must. A TV can't carry the HD-Ready logo without an HDMI port.
Most (not all) HDMI ports support HDCP, this is a method allowing broadcasters to encode there content, if you don't have a HDCP enabled interface you won't be able to watch it.

e.g. Sky HD was slated as only coming with a HDMI HDCP interface when it was first announced and it caused uproar, especially from lots of people that had bough HD sets that didn't have HDCP enabled HDCP connectors ;)

Thanks for the info guys, I've just been looking about and it's got a HDCP enabled DVI port, so do I just need an adapter and then plug the audio channels in seperatley?
I have this screen (arrived today), I reckoned on getting by with the 2xcomponent, 1xHDCP DVI and 1xVGA. Shame the DVI doesn't support PCs.
VGA, or component if you have a breakout box like many of the 6600GTs do. I've just bought a 4 source VGA switch so I can use the 360 and PC on it with their optimal inputs (for this screen).
The manual seems to think the DVI does support PC-in, but my 6800GT seems to disagree...I may be wrong. I'll try again tomorrow with the 6600GT'd shuttle...if anyone cares.
IceBus said:
HDMI is the new standard in digital connectivity and you'll need an HDMI port to connect up a SkyHD/Bluray or HD-DVD drive. TBH If you're going for an LCD or Plasma TV it is pretty much a must. A TV can't carry the HD-Ready logo without an HDMI port.
Don't forget about the PS3, but you can buy HDMI switch boxes for about £300 if anyone is buying a lot of HDMI stuff.
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