Do I tell my manager I hate my job?...

7 Nov 2009
I'm just looking for some perspective and some advice.

I work in car sales for a very large company. I'm one of the top performers in the garage, and a key member of staff. I earn very good money. However, I'm not happy at all. I'm not challenged mentally, I've given up caring and really dislike going in each day.
I've been thinking about talking to my general manager about it in the hope that I can engineer a move elsewhere in the company (ideally a training/analysis role).

The carrot of my role is the money you can make, however I don't need to make what I do and would be much happier making less, being at work less (I do a six day week, but realistically only 'work' a few hours a day), and being challenged more.
My plan was to get promoted to Sales Manager, and then to General Manager and I thought that would make me happier. But, more I think about it it's the last thing that I want to do.

So, my question. Do I talk to my boss, tell him how unhappy I am and seek his help to move elsewhere in the company. Do I continue to apply for jobs (with no success so far). Or do something else!? Would be great to get some objective advice...
So, I did speak with my boss in the end. There's basically nothing that he can see opening up for me to move into. Though, he also said he wouldn't want me to leave.
I suppose it's time to try and get out. Moving will mean a substantial paycut, but I think it's worth it. Now I need to try and find a job that isn't in the car sales industry when I only have car sales experience! Yelp.
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