do i trust this?

20 Jun 2005
I've used OCUk a few times in the past but every time I have been allowed to ignore having to fill out this "verified by visa" thing as shown at the last step in the transaction.

I dont know what it is? I dont know why I should fill it out, I dont want to fill it out. It protects my card, how does it protect my card?

I just gave out my card details, why do I need to give them out again?
HSBC have just changed the terms of their credit cards for Verfiied by Visa - if you shop at places that user VBV and DONT register with it, then after the third time, you won't be allowed to shop at stores that use VBV until you DO register.

Wouldn't be surprised if Barclays are doing something similar here.
you know, there is just soo much scamming on these days.

Still, I dont see how giving barclays my card details at the end of a transaction (after youve already given it to ocuk) protects me or verify's me in any way.
Its an extra security step.

I have not looked into it in detail for at least a year but when I did you registered a password with the bank.

It means that people require more than just your name address and card details to make a transaction. Overall reduces the chance of fraudulent transactions.

Very possibly also reduces liability for the merchant.

I was right

edit: Removed the link as it has a further link to a competitor - sorry dons.

Once you have implemented Verified by Visa on your web site, you will no longer be liable for the majority of transaction disputes, known as chargebacks – even if the cardholder has not enrolled in Verified by Visa.
sr4470 said:
Not that card fraud on the internet is all that common...

quite. it'd be nice to see a remodelling of ATMs or something to get a step ahead of the crap that happens there. dont particularly feel very secure having to check the atm for whatever everytime i withdraw cash. i guess that'd involve effort, though.
Sic said:
quite. it'd be nice to see a remodelling of ATMs or something to get a step ahead of the crap that happens there. dont particularly feel very secure having to check the atm for whatever everytime i withdraw cash. i guess that'd involve effort, though.

True. I havent had any problems yet myself but I have some doubts over security...I try to stick to machines that are just outside the bank.
I saw this 2 months ago when i tried to order a water pump off the net. I spend 30 minutes searching around to see if it was not a scam. It isnt, but ive already forgot my password.
Moorron said:
I saw this 2 months ago when i tried to order a water pump off the net. I spend 30 minutes searching around to see if it was not a scam. It isnt, but ive already forgot my password.

It does stop a family member from using your card without your permission. ;)
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