Do most/all XBox exclusives make it to the PC these days?

30 Sep 2003
I'm on the fence between saving for PC guts or getting a XBox pre-order in. I know the game pass works on PC and has done for a while and i'm wondewring whether most/all exclusives hit the PC these days? That might sway me towards a 3080 rig (if there's ever stock) and a new monitor.
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Sony has also dipped their toes in and let a couple of their titles come to us recently with Death Stranding and Horizon Zero Dawn, it's not beyond the realm of imagination that we may see more titles in the future, most likely a good while after their release on console.

I would be tempted to hang back, see how things turn out over the next couple of months if you can. There's nothing really in the pipeline on the Xbox that isn't going to be on PC, I don't think you would miss much this generation if you went the PC route.

Cheers man. That sounds sensible. There's nothing at launch i'm that fussed about either, so no rush.
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