Do people need memory for old systems still?

Depends what sort?

Standard sdram dimms and decent DDR1 dimms are getting rarer as a lot get destroyed for "gold recovery".

Ddr2 seems to be readily available and dirt cheap as was produced in massive amounts.

High capacity or fast DDR3 still in demand and mostly out of production so prices have spiked a little.
I got lots of old ram too mostly edo ram and some sdr 133 stuff. Dunno if there is any demand for it these days. If i need the space will just end up binning it one day i guess, doubt anyone wants it
I got lots of old ram too mostly edo ram and some sdr 133 stuff. Dunno if there is any demand for it these days. If i need the space will just end up binning it one day i guess, doubt anyone wants it

Lemme know before binning it, I'll take it off your hands!
I have a stash of SD Ram and DDR Ram plus DDR2 Ram, a mixture of old desktop Ram and old Laptop Ram. I'll be hanging on to it for years to come some I use in my retro builds. Its funny because there is a lot of people scrapping this stuff for its gold content but by the time the gold has been extracted from all the other metals its only a few pence worth of gold but an undamaged vintage Ram stick could go for upwards of 70 quid. Who needs gold? just invest in old computer hardware.
who knew i would end up in possession of some old ddr and ddr2 systems and sods law iv gone and sold my ram stash :rolleyes:
I know a guy :)

As a PC vintage and recent vintage collector, RAM is the trickiest piece, as it's not just a case of having sticks that will fit, but finding sticks that will fit with the given components. I've found athlons are very picky with particular ram chips, timings. The Nehalem core2s similarly. Then there's when a stick fails and you need matching sticks.

So holding on to old ram I think is a good idea I have mine rather ridiculously organised now ranging from SRAM, dip ram chips (for old vlb video cards that could be expanded!), 486 era FPM dram to ddr4.
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