Do Shuttle still make the PF16 mesh cover ?

27 Nov 2003
I was thinking of getting one as my 7800GS is quite noisy with the cover on, are they still around ?

No competitor links of course but is it still manufactured? :)

i think they may still be available though whether their still manufacturing them anymore i dont know??

if you go on shuttles website you can do the "where to buy" bit and it should give you a list of online places that sell shuttle accessories. could browse them and see if any have it in stock??
I've got one, they're total mint. But the place I got it from doesnt appear to have it anymore. I would guess because they don't fit the recent shuttle models?
cokecan72 said:
if i remember rightly, they were designed for the G type chassis so they wont fit on the newer P type

That shouldn't be a real problem, I'm after fitting one on to a SN95G5 :)

I'll try the shuttle site, I think I went once before and UK support is slim to none.


Whoop :)
Went down the entire list and although one site got my hopes up I was dashed at the end :(

Any kind soul know of anywhere that isn't a competitor or has one kicking around?

Whoop :)
cokecan72 said:
could always make your own?? cut a hole out, bolt some black mesh to the case, jobs a gooden :)

I did that to my Aopen EX18 :)

The hole comes out quite good but the paint shop gets wrecked and unless you can strip the paint you get a carp finish painting over the top. :)

is the place that says 1-2 weeks not getting any stock then? i'm not after one as i already have 2 :D was just wondering if you had already checked there. (a fairly major UK netseller)
Whoop said:
I did that to my Aopen EX18 :)

The hole comes out quite good but the paint shop gets wrecked and unless you can strip the paint you get a carp finish painting over the top. :)


oh i dont know?? i cut a hole out in my black SN85G4V3 case to fit me arctic cooler, i just put some masking tape round where i was going to cut, cut it out with a saw, filed the edges a bit and got some emery paper on it to make it smoother and it looks all good :)
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