Do speed cameras still flash nowadays?

9 Dec 2009
My fault. I was visiting mum (in palliative care :( ) and the 40 zone changes to a 30 going uphill, and just over the brow there's a fixed camera. The painted lines for the camera on the road are well kept, and it's actually a good place to site a camera because just after there's a rank of several shops.

I usually cruise up the hill at 40 and time coming off the throttle so I'm just under 30 when passing the camera.
This time I wasn't on the ball, I was admittedly miles away thinking about mum and I realised when passing the painted lines I was doing 34 indicated, maybe 35 but pretty sure I was showing 34.

It was a dull drizzly day but I'm fairly sure no lights went off in the camera.

On the way home I compared my obd readout to the speedo and 34 on my analogue speedo shows as 33 on obd.

I fired up Google maps and stuck the cruise control on at 34 indicated in my speedo, and Google gps shows this as 32.

So, my questions are:

1 If the lights didn't flash, does the mean anything nowadays?

2 With a clean license for the past 10 years, will I be offered a speed awareness course for this speed if I do get done?

3 How many lashes do I need to give myself for being a killer driver?

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